Switch words and Switch phrases

Switch words and switch phrases are concepts in the realm of energy healing and personal development, somewhat similar to affirmations but distinct in their use and purported effects. They were popularized by James T. Mangan in the 1960s and later developed further by Shunyam Nirav in the book “The Secret of Perfect Living.” The idea is that these words or phrases can “switch” one’s energy from a negative state to a positive state, helping to attract or achieve certain desired outcomes.

The theory behind switch words is rooted in the concept that speaking or thinking these words can bring about a specific desired effect by aligning the user’s subconscious intentions with their conscious goals. This is thought to work similarly to mantras in meditation or affirmations in cognitive therapy, but switch words are usually simpler and more direct.

Switch phrases combine multiple switch words into a sequence to address complex or specific intentions more effectively. For instance, the phrase “TOGETHER DIVINE” might be used to enhance personal performance with divine support.

While there is a lack of scientific evidence supporting the effectiveness of switch words, many people find them a useful tool for focusing their intentions and bringing a positive mental focus to their daily lives. As with affirmations or positive thinking, even if the effects are purely psychological, they can still be beneficial for many people.

Switch phrases are sequences of switch words that combine the powers of multiple words to address more complex situations or goals. By chaining these words together, users aim to craft a potent phrase that encapsulates all elements of their intentions.

Switch words and Switch phrases

Examples of Switch words and Switch phrases


 A master switch word, meant to bring about mastery in endeavors and promote togetherness.


Used to enhance the quality of whatever one is intending to improve or achieve.


Used to dispel unwanted thoughts, negative conditions, or energies.


Useful for attracting or discovering something desired, whether it’s a lost item or a personal goal.


Aimed at eliminating procrastination and invoking action in the present moment.

Find and Divine order

This might be used to restore or establish a harmonious and beneficial arrangement in one’s life or specific circumstances.

Words have power, Choose yours to change your universe

Healing Hands, Healing Hearts, Healing Lives.

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